All Posts By

Communications Office

Southern Africa

AGCO to partner with IITA on agricultural mechanization

The labor-intensive activities undertaken by African farmers in the production and postharvest processing of cassava justify mechanization. Impressed by IITA’s work on cassava, senior managers from AGCO International GmbH visited IITA-Zambia on 29 May to propose a partnership to…

Eastern Africa

Healthy soils, healthy plants, healthy planet

IITA organized a talk on 29 May at its Eastern Africa hub in Dar es Salaam on healthy soils, healthy plants, healthy planet, for grade 6 and 7 students from nearby schools to mark two important events, the  International…

Western Africa

Training of trainers on mechanical weeders held at IITA

Twenty-three participants from partner organizations benefited from a three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop on the use and maintenance of mechanical weeders in cassava farms. The ToT, held on 25–27 May, was coordinated by the IITA-led Cassava Weeds Management…