by Simeon Ehui, Director General, IITA and Regional Director, Africa, CGIAR and Bernard Vanlauwe, Deputy Director General, Research for Development, IITA and Lead, Excellence in Agronomy, CGIAR West Africa and the Sahel are grappling with a severe soil health…
Tunde Ajayi
Based on their long-term practical experience, CGIAR centers (International Livestock Research Institute [ILRI]; International Potato Center [CIP], Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT [The Alliance], International Rice Research Institute [IRRI]) and the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) trained AID-I GLR…
Promoting access to high-quality seeds through local seed companies: AID-I GLR partnerships
In our ongoing efforts to nurture and sustain seed systems in the Great Lakes region, AID-I GLR supports and closely collaborates with local seed companies. Our goal is to ensure easy availability of certified seeds, stimulate demand among smallholder…
South Kivu, DRC: AgriForce, a force to reckon within seed marketing and production, and in geographic reach and expanded product portfolio
AgriForce is one of the seed companies that the AID-I GLR project has partnered with in DRC to expand the market for seeds, fertilizers, and phytosanitary products by introducing innovations in agricultural input marketing. The company’s role is to…
Introducing and delivering IYACU Maize Flour: A nutrient-rich solution to fight malnutrition in Rwanda
As part of the AID-I GLR initiative, One Acre Fund (1AF) in Rwanda introduced Iyacu Maize Flour, a game-changing product that is set to revolutionize the Rwandan market. Iyacu is OURS in Kinyarwanda, meaning food for the community. Enriched…
Yet another boost for cassava seed inspection and certification in Rwanda: IITA donates and trains RICA on LAMP Technology for disease diagnosis
In a significant stride towards bolstering Rwanda’s cassava farming sector, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), on Wednesday 04 October 2023, handed over two LAMP technology devices to the Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA). Receipt…
Strengthening Rwanda’s Cassava Seed System: Enhancing Quality and Yield Through Inspection and Certification Training
The training was designed to enhance human capacities for cassava seed inspection and certification as a critical element of building a sustainable formal cassava seed value chain in Rwanda. The primary challenge is the shortage of quality cassava seeds…
Discovering how Human-Centered Design (HCD) and User Research can help switch perspectives in Ethiopia
Location-specific and season-smart fertilizer recommendations for smallholder farmers are a prominent feature of innovative decision support tools (DSTs) currently being developed in the ICT4Ag space. In Ethiopia, a coalition of the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy Initiative (EiA), GIZ-Ethiopia of…