Following the first year of implementation, the Program for Seed System Innovation for Vegetatively-propagated Crops in Africa (PROSSIVA) held its annual review and planning meeting from 12 to 14 December 2023…
Western Africa
Farmers and traders’ insights on enhancing the cowpea value chains for improved health and wealth in Nigeria
Cowpea is an important grain legume crop widely grown for human food, livestock fodder, and feeds. It is widely recognized as a staple dietary protein source, rich in micronutrients such as…
Digital tools ICT4BXW
Harnessing Digital Innovation: Celebrating the Legacy of the ICT4BXW Project in Banana Agronomy
ICT4BXW held a closing workshop, marking the end of a six-year project that ran from 2018 through 2023. The project focused on developing and deploying digital tools to combat Banana Xanthomonas…
In agricultural development, there is a growing acknowledgment of the crucial role played by gender-focused approaches throughout the various phases of project implementation.…
Based on their long-term practical experience, CGIAR centers (International Livestock Research Institute [ILRI]; International Potato Center [CIP], Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT [The Alliance], International Rice Research Institute [IRRI]) and…
Central Africa
Promoting access to high-quality seeds through local seed companies: AID-I GLR partnerships
In our ongoing efforts to nurture and sustain seed systems in the Great Lakes region, AID-I GLR supports and closely collaborates with local seed companies. Our goal is to ensure easy…
Central Africa
South Kivu, DRC: AgriForce, a force to reckon within seed marketing and production, and in geographic reach and expanded product portfolio
AgriForce is one of the seed companies that the AID-I GLR project has partnered with in DRC to expand the market for seeds, fertilizers, and phytosanitary products by introducing innovations in…
Central Africa
Introducing and delivering IYACU Maize Flour: A nutrient-rich solution to fight malnutrition in Rwanda
As part of the AID-I GLR initiative, One Acre Fund (1AF) in Rwanda introduced Iyacu Maize Flour, a game-changing product that is set to revolutionize the Rwandan market. Iyacu is OURS…