The GenderUp methodology revolutionizes agricultural innovations and how they should be scaled toward achieving societal outcomes for all. Developed in collaboration with CGIAR, Wageningen University and Research, and the University of California, Davis, this discussion-based method supports innovation teams to scale…
Partners review innovation research achievements for vegetatively propagated crop seed systems and plan for 2024
Following the first year of implementation, the Program for Seed System Innovation for Vegetatively-propagated Crops in Africa (PROSSIVA) held its annual review and planning meeting from 12 to 14 December 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.…
Changing fortunes of farmers and empowering women in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania through legumes
While it is the number one cash crop for most farmers in Tanzania, maize is getting a serious run for its money from legumes such as beans, groundnut, and soybean which are becoming commercial crops in the cool and…
This video documents the activities of phases one and two of a project whose objective was to promote small-scale processing of cassava as a way of contributing to food security, increasing the income and improving livelihoods of smallholder farmers,…
The tough journeys “When I went to the United States, to do my Masters, I was the only black person in my class, the only female, and the only foreigner. On top of that I had two small children.…