On 20 November, the IITA Gender, Youth, and Social Inclusion (GYSI) team organized its first CGIAR-NARES outreach program, titled ‘Strengthening gender and youth-focused research capabilities in agricultural research in Nigeria,’ held at the National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT) in…
seed systems
Since 2022, the IITA Gender Science Network (GSN) has been spearheading a transformative initiative to integrate a gender lens into research and institutional activities…
Partners review innovation research achievements for vegetatively propagated crop seed systems and plan for 2024
Following the first year of implementation, the Program for Seed System Innovation for Vegetatively-propagated Crops in Africa (PROSSIVA) held its annual review and planning meeting from 12 to 14 December 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.…
South Kivu, DRC: AgriForce, a force to reckon within seed marketing and production, and in geographic reach and expanded product portfolio
AgriForce is one of the seed companies that the AID-I GLR project has partnered with in DRC to expand the market for seeds, fertilizers, and phytosanitary products by introducing innovations in agricultural input marketing. The company’s role is to…
Workshop held to discuss options for building an economically sustainable and integrated cassava seed system in Nigeria
In Nigeria, the world’s largest cassava producer, a proposed project, the first of its kind, will develop an economically sustainable seed system for cassava that can grow and supply farmers with new varieties. This was the focus of a…