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Western Africa

Western Africa

IFAD backs cassava flour in bread and confectionery

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is supporting the inclusion of cassava flour in bread and other forms of confectionery as part of efforts to improve food security and the livelihoods of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. This follows…

Western Africa

N2Africa receives World Bank award

N2Africa has received a prestigious prize through the Harvesting Nutrition Contest, sponsored by the World Bank, which aimed at rewarding agricultural projects around the world  that have bridged the gaps between nutrition, agriculture and food security. N2Africa was picked…

Western Africa

IITA’s Genebank gets ready for cryogenic preservation

IITA’s Genetic Resources Center (GRC) sponsored a 3-week training course at the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS), Tsukuba, Japan, for Olubimpe Abiola Akinyemi, a research supervisor/ cryoBank officer. She was trained on the management of the cryogenic conservation…

Western Africa

AgResults AflasafeTM team trains partners

The AgResults AflasafeTM team has successfully completed a 2-day training in Ibadan for its implementers. Welcoming participants, the AgResults Pilot Manager, Debo Akande, reiterated the project’s commitment to supporting and providing solutions to farmers for improving safety and increasing…

Western Africa

Thinking agribusiness along the value chains

Integrating agribusiness along the value chains could facilitate the adoption of innovations among small-scale farmers and in turn help improve their livelihoods, says Dr Gbassey Tarawali, Representative of the Director General & Deputy Director General (Partnerships & Capacity Development)…