Notwithstanding the 19% budget cut announced by the CGIAR earlier this year, Director General Nteranya Sanginga has assured members of the IITA community of the strong financial standing of the Institute.…
Top seed production companies from across Nigeria convened at IITA on 6 August to explore novel technologies for high-ratio propagation of seed yam tubers. IITA scientists working on the Yam Improvement…
While climate and development policies in Uganda are becoming more gender sensitive, there is still a lot to be done in their formulation, regulatory framework, and implementation to ensure that they…
Hidehiko Kikuno, a former IITA scientist, visited the Institute recently and gave an overview on yam research and development by the yam research team led by Prof Hironobu Shiwachi at the…
IITA and AGROBIOTEC Lab in Bujumbura, Burundi, organized a hands-on training for field technicians in DR Congo on post-flask management of tissue culture banana on 22-26 June. The training was organized…
Western Africa
Why go Open Access… Excerpts from a discussion with Martin Mueller, E-Research Coordinator and Database and Knowledge Manager
Should the rest of the world have unlimited, free, and unrestricted access to findings from our research through the Internet? What would be the implications for IITA and its science? The…
Eastern Africa
From research plots to farmers’ fields: Africa RISING – NAFAKA project partners plan scaling up of improved crop varieties
Partners implementing activities under the Africa RISING – NAFAKA scaling project held their first annual review and planning meeting 8-10 July, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where they discussed effective ways of scaling up…
Yam plantlets at the aeroponics screen house are growing at an exponential rate after being exposed to sunlight! Also, vines pruned from the aeroponics system and planted into soil are producing…