Researchers, policymakers, and farmers working under the Cassava Weed Management Project met at IITA, Ibadan, 29-30 April, to review achievements made by the project in 2014 and to plan for 2015.…
Western Africa
Three years after starting its activities, the IITA banana breeding team based in Arusha-Tanzania has planted its first banana hybrids for field evaluation. While this is a major milestone for the…
Southern Africa
IITA Board meets in Zambia; deliberates on strengthening institute in midst of CGIAR crises
From 4 to 6 May, the IITA Board of Trustees (BoT) as well as members of the Institute’s Management and Directorate were in the picturesque town of Livingstone in southern Zambia…
Western Africa
SARD-SC organizes workshop in Cameroon on using IP approach to increase income for maize farmers
Support to Agricultural Research for Development of Strategic Crops (SARD-SC), one of IITA’s projects working to improve productivity and income from growing maize, rice, cassava, and wheat, has partnered with the…
IITA’s West Africa Soil Consortia (WASHC) project recently organized a courtesy and familiarization visit to the Department of Soil Science and Land Management (SSLM), Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta on 21…
Central Africa
IITA’s business model for cassava in Cameroon presented as case study at the Burundi Economic and Social Development Forum
Dr Emmanuel Njukwe, Country Representative, IITA Burundi, was a guest speaker at the Burundi Economic and Social Development Forum held at the Hotel Club du Lac Tanganyika, Bujumbura, on 23 April.…
The Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa (DTMA) project has completely lived through its implementation phases and is on course to be replaced by a new project known as Stress Tolerant Maize…
The consortium of CGIAR Centers implementing the Feed the Future project Malawi Improved Seed Systems and Technologies received a vote of confidence when a visiting team from the USAID headquarters as…