Two female scientists, Gaudiose Mujawamariya and Esther Leah Achandi from AfricaRice Tanzania, won the Young Rice Scientists Award at the recently concluded Fourth International Rice Congress 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. The…
Eastern Africa
While participating in the Humidtropics conference on systems research this week, CGIAR top managers Frank Rijsberman and Ann Tutwiler found some time to visit IITA’s Business Incubation Platform (BIP). They were…
Western Africa
African Development Bank, Nigerian Government, and IITA join forces in developing a youth scheme for food security and income in Africa
The African Development Bank (AfDB), the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), and IITA have launched the Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Program Phase 1 (ATASP-1) today, 6 March at…
Western Africa
Agricultural scientists: Systems research offers solutions to tackling poverty, hunger, and environmental degradation
Agricultural scientists and researchers from over 30 countries met this week at IITA headquarters in Ibadan, Nigeria, for the International Conference on Integrated Systems for Sustainable Intensification in Smallholder Agriculture. Conference…
Eastern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa
Africa RISING Project leads take part in Sustainable Intensification Cross-Learning Tour
Technical leads of the Africa RISING project in West Africa, East and Southern Africa, and Ethiopia, took part in a cross-learning tour on sustainable intensification from 28 January to 3 February.…
His Excellency, Mr Michel Deelen, the Deputy Ambassador, Netherlands Embassy, Lagos, came on an orientation visit to IITA-Ibadan on 24 February. He was welcomed by Dr Ken Dashiell, Deputy Director General…
Policymakers, researchers, and development practitioners from Tanzania and Uganda are reviewing various policies in their countries by developing socioeconomic and climate scenarios. The scenarios created will help identify and address gaps…
While the main source of income for cassava farmers in Tanzania is through the sale of cassava roots, the leaves which are edible and rich in protein and vitamins are becoming…