The project team collaborated with Viamo to deliver remote training through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) with a focus on the (BXW) disease and best practices for banana agronomy. The cohort of…
The project team is empowering Farmer Promoters as Scaling Champions and Enablers to support banana farmers across their respective villages. Farmer Promoters are volunteer community leaders who receive technical trainings by…
Digital tools Eastern Africa
CGIAR collaborates with Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB) to create Rwanda Soil Information Service
Effective and adequate fertilizer and amendment applications to soil produce a good yield within an integrated soil management approach in a sustainable manner. It is important to gather relevant information about…
Eastern Africa
Rwandan Farmers and Extension Agents commend IITA’s digital tools for sustainable banana production
Digital tools are gradually improving the reality of farmers and ground-level evidence is critical to support further development and scaling at various levels. Recently, farmers and farmer promoters (local extension agents)…
Eastern Africa
Digital tools and citizen science adopted to better understand diet quality across Rwanda
The CGIAR, in partnership with the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB) and VIAMO, are piloting an innovative system for high-frequency collection of diet quality data in Rwanda. The…
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in partnership with the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB), the International Potato Center (CIP), One Acre Fund (OAF), and the Alliance…
Eastern Africa
Working towards a decent standard of living for smallholder coffee farmers in the Mount Elgon Region
The GIZ Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D) programme has partnered with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Uganda and Olam Food Ingredients (OFI) to improve the livelihoods…
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Uganda Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Team spent a week in Kasese district, western Uganda, in May conducting focus group discussions with more than 150 smallholder…