On 7 September 2020, CGIAR centers, supported by the Big Data Platform, launched the Excellence in Agronomy 2030 (EiA 2030) initiative during the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) virtual summit. In…
Central Africa Eastern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa
Rwandan farmers lack improved cassava varieties that are resistant to the main cassava diseases in Rwanda, namely Cassava Brown Streak Disease (CBSD) and Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD), locally known as Kabore…
Early this year 25 participants from the local government, civil society, private sector, research, and the NGO community came together in Kampala, Uganda, to validate the results of a baseline survey…
Rollout of development interventions using a one-size-fits-all model can achieve economies of scale but can neglect the variability in farm and farmer characteristics. A data-driven approach to incorporate farmer diversity in…
Similar to many other countries in Africa and elsewhere across the globe, agriculture in Tanzania is one of the sectors that has been greatly, and will continue to be affected, by…
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) along with ETH Zurich, a Swiss university, co-manage the Rural‒Urban Nexus, establishing a nutrient loop…
Eastern Africa
How to build a vibrant, sustainable sub-national Climate-Smart Agriculture alliance: Lessons from District CSA alliances in Tanzania
In 2015, Tanzania established three District-level Climate-Smart Agriculture (DCSAA) alliances in Lushoto, Kilosa, and Kilolo districts. The aim of these alliances, which brought together diverse district Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) stakeholders from…
Western Africa
Combating the enemy: Towards mitigating postharvest disease losses in sub-Saharan Africa
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, about 45% (roughly 1.3 billion tons) of harvested fruits, vegetables, roots, and tubers are lost annually. These food losses and waste are mainly at…