Since 2022, the IITA Gender Science Network (GSN) has been spearheading a transformative initiative to integrate a gender lens into research and institutional activities…
climate change
Q & A: A decade of improved and climate-smart maize through collaborative research and innovation.
A ten-year partnership led by CIMMYT and IITA tackles climate-induced risks in maize production, developing and deploying new climate-adaptive varieties benefiting over 8 million households in sub-Saharan Africa. The food security and livelihoods of smallholder farming families in sub-Saharan…
“Drought affected the crop varieties we used to grow. It also increased attacks by pests and diseases, and we did not know how to manage them. One could plant but not harvest at all,” says Salum Lipeni, a farmer…
Ugandan Agric Ministry pioneer development of climate change mainstreaming guidelines
Group photograph of participants at the workshop. The validation workshop was held on 29 January in Mukono. Stakeholders from government ministries, departments, and agencies, farmer organizations, civil society organizations, private sector, development partners, research institutions, academia, and the media…
Stakeholders in the agricultural sector in Tanzania support the move by CGIAR to integrate the activities of the different centers and research programs (CRPs) and to better align with the country’s priorities in developing its agriculture sector. The stakeholders…
New project launched to address impacts of climate change and variability in cocoa-based farming systems
In Ghana, the world’s second largest exporter of cocoa, a significant impact on smallholder farming in the cocoa belt has been projected from the trend in climate change and variability. To forestall this, CGIAR through its global Climate Change,…
Policymakers, researchers, and development practitioners from Tanzania and Uganda are reviewing various policies in their countries by developing socioeconomic and climate scenarios. The scenarios created will help identify and address gaps in the policies. This started with a…
A National Learning alliance was created at the end of last year to facilitate the sharing of information, knowledge, and experiences as well as carrying out joint policy engagement action on climate change particularly in relation to food security…