Digital tools ICT4BXW

Farmer Promoters as Scaling Champions and Enablers

The project team is empowering Farmer Promoters as Scaling Champions and Enablers to support banana farmers across their respective villages.

Farmer Promoters are volunteer community leaders who receive technical trainings by RAB and Local Government to serve as farmer-to-farmer extension agents in their own villages. There is one Farmer Promoter in every village in Rwanda, with over 14,000 Farmer Promoters nationwide

Farmer Promoters play an important role in delivering relevant information to banana farmers around the country, and ensures that banana farmers acquire relevant crop management skills, especially for banana disease management and best farming practices to increase productivity.

“I was happy to receive the training. It increased my knowledge on the best banana agricultural practices, such as mulching, the best way to do the Single Diseased-Stem Removal, and various key information for better management of my banana field.”
Musabyimana Augustin, from Remera, Gatsibo District

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