The Policy Action for Climate Change Adaptation (PACCA) project is building a more climate-responsive future with policy-makers in Tanzania and Uganda. A targeted approach, with scientists working directly with policy-makers and…
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Policy Action: Uganda Agriculture Minister approves revisions on country’s National Seed Policy
The Policy Action for Crop Intensification (PASIC) project has made great progress in supporting Uganda in developing its National Food Policy after the revisions made on the country’s National Seed Strategy…
This video documents the activities of phases one and two of a project whose objective was to promote small-scale processing of cassava as a way of contributing to food security, increasing…
While cassava is among the most important crops in the isle of Zanzibar, Tanzania, where it is ranked second to rice, the residents consume it in very limited and not so…
The tough journeys “When I went to the United States, to do my Masters, I was the only black person in my class, the only female, and the only foreigner. On…
Happy New Year! For the uninitiated, it is a common practice in most African countries to greet people “Happy New Year” if you see or meet a friend for the first…
Eastern Africa Uncategorized
SARD-SC demonstrates improved cassava farming practices to spur production in Kigoma, Tanzania
The Support to Agricultural Research for Development of Strategic Crops in Africa (SARD-SC) project led by the International of Institute Tropical Agriculture (IITA) held a successful one-day farmers field day to…
Last year, 2014, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) launched an agricultural youth program in Tanzania to contribute to efforts to tackle youth unemployment while, at the same time, using young…