The project team collaborated with Viamo to deliver remote training through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) with a focus on the (BXW) disease and best practices for banana agronomy. The cohort of Scaling Champions (SCs) and Scaling Enablers (SEs)» were invited to the modules, with an initial pre-test administered. Over a period of three months, a total of 1094 SCs and SEs completed the training with major outcomes indicating successful capacity development for digital extension delivery.
The training was conducted through their mobile phones, using pre-recorded audio lessons. The goal is to reach banana farmers and Farmer Promoters across the country, covering all the 30 districts, to foster timely surveillance and control of BXW disease in their farm fields (and villages) while providing access to agronomic information for better management of banana farms.
Content was co-created during a workshop in Kigali, Rwanda. Training content consisted of 3 modules,
with a total of 16 lessons developed by Viamo in collaboration with RAB staff and IITA staff , and adapting content to be mobile-friendly. Each lesson consisted of an introduction, lesson outcome, narrative, quiz and conclusion.
The lessons were made available free of charge to the all participants via inbound and outbound campaigns. A pre-SMS was sent to participants and a summary post-SMS immediately after listening to the lesson.
Below graphs demonstrates the completion rates for all the three modules
Module 1: Digital Extension Delivery Capacity

All the 1094 SCs and SEs started Module 1 out of which 1081 started at least one lesson, 1079 completed at least one narrative and 1052 completed at least one lesson.
Module 2: Banana Agronomy

The lesson was sent to all 1094 SCs and SEs, out of which 1079 started at least one lesson, 1072 completed at least one narrative, 1043 completed at least one quiz, and 1042 completed at least one lesson.
Module 3: BXW Prevention and Control

1082 started Module 3 out of which 1070 started at least one lesson, 1066 completed at least one narrative, and 1042 completed at least one quiz and one lesson.
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